Meet the Doula

Inspired to Thrive Doula Care was founded to support women in the Texas Hill Country area (including Seguin, New Braunfels, San Marcos, and surrounding areas) during their pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum period. To me, that looks like women having options, education, and a voice during their labor and birth, as well as support postpartum as their family transitions to include a new member!

My goal is to help you birth and parent in a way that is empowering for you, as you enter a new role in life - not to simply survive, but to thrive. Every woman should have the knowledge to make informed decisions during their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period and to feel supported in their goals and their choices.

Birth is empowering, let it empower you!
Jenna Schmoekel, CD(DONA)

Jenna Schmoekel

Birth & Postpartum Doula

Jenna has been serving as a birth doula since 2018 and is certified through DONA International. After the birth of her fourth baby in 2017, she and her husband knew their family was complete, but she continued to feel called back into the "birth world." After having empowering, supported birth experiences herself, she kept hearing from friends and family that their experience had been the opposite. They didn't feel heard or respected in their birth space or they didn't feel like they had options. Jenna wanted to see these women not just surviving their birth experience and "at least" getting a healthy baby at the end, but thriving through educated, supported care! She is passionate about helping mamas feel seen and supported in one of their most vulnerable times. A home birth mama herself, she has a special passion for out of hospital birth and for mamas who want to see their next birth look different than the last. It is her biggest joy to walk with families through their birth and postpartum period and help them find their new rhythm and thrive - even if their birth goes differently than planned, even if there are road blocks along the way, and even when they are sleeping less and maybe even covered in spit up. 

She and her husband, Brian, live in Seguin, TX with their 4 children! She loves Jesus, coffee, a good run outside, board games, and hanging out with her family.


“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

— Psalm 139:13-14